Every morning I get plenty of good morning wishes on my phone. Some as text messages while some as WhatsApp, and some as messenger messages. Due to my busy schedule I really read those messages, and often used to think that ‘Are these messages worth reading’ or sometimes I even wondered why people keep on sending these morning wish messages as I never replied to them. But one day, I came across a friend in my office and he explained to me the importance of morning wish messages.
I told my friend that I often get annoyed and irritated by those messages and wanted to get rid of them once and for all. He just smiled at me and said that people send those good morning wishes to me because they love me and care for me. Those messages are just a way for them to express their feelings. He said that in this fast moving world where everyone is busy with their own work, people rarely find time to get in touch with each other. So, sending a good morning message is a way to say ‘Hey buddy I remember you and care for you though we are not in touch’.
I understood what he meant and agreed not to overreact on wish messages ever again. Gradually, I started to feel the emotions related to all the good morning wishes that I had been receiving all those years. Now, I too have started to send wish messages to my loved ones, colleagues, and friends. The first thing I do in the morning is to send good morning wishes through text message, WhatsApp, or other social media platforms, and it has become a fun activity in the morning.
Sometimes people think that writing a new message every time is a difficult task. But the truth is that you can find innumerable messages ready to be sent on various websites all over the Internet. You just have to visit the site, select the message you want to copy, and paste it wherever you want to. You can find messages for all occasions, for all types of people, and for all age groups on the Internet. You just have to do the easy task of copy and paste, and send it to anyone you want.
Recently I confronted a website that changed my way of sending good morning messages. It is far ahead of other conventional ways of sending wish messages. The website has a tool that converts text messages into good morning photo edit messages, where you can insert the photos of the person whom you will send the message along with your good morning wish. The best part is that you can easily insert word art or change the font style, or do any changes in your good morning photo edit message.
This website has changed my approach towards sending wishes, and my friends and loved ones admire my style of sending messages. They say that my messages are special among all other messages and convey a distinctive meaning to my feelings.